My externship “always gets the most attention on my resume”

“I always tell people the Geneva Externship program is why I decided to attend the University of Michigan Law School,” writes Christian Husby, ’17, of his externship with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)…. 

A suited man stands on a rock overlooking Lac Léman in Geneva, Switzerland.

Apply Now

The Geneva International Fellows Program is more than just on-the-job training⸺it offers a mix of classroom and practical learning, advanced training, and research opportunities.

We hope you’ll consider applying.

Please submit your application through MCompass, and make sure your application package is complete before you submit. Please be aware that the Geneva Externship Program has a cap of 15 students. Occasionally, we receive more applicants than we can accommodate, but the vast majority of applicants receive a spot at one of their top three choices.

What You’ll Need

  • A cover letter 
    • Address letter “To whom it may concern” and leave the address blank
  • Your resume
  • A statement of interest 
    • There are no length requirements, though most are around three to five pages, double-spaced.
  • A letter of recommendation from a Michigan Law professor
  • If you are doing an externship in your final semester, please review your graduation requirements to ensure any remaining requirements will be satisfied by the externship. Please consult the registrar if you have any questions regarding graduation requirements.

Externship Details

Students, before you proceed, be sure to read the policies and regulations governing Michigan Law externships. 

Externship Program Policies

If you are interested in the Geneva Externship Program, you are welcome to consult with Professors Anna Nicol or Amy Sankaran via Symplicity or email.