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New Website Launching Soon

New Website Launching Soon

Thank you for visiting our site. We are in the process of migrating to our new platform! The Registry is "frozen in time" at 3,659 exonerations, on February 14th, 2025​. Our team is still hard at work researching and recording every exoneration we can find, we simply cannot publish them online until we migrate to our new website -​ coming SOON! ​
Martel Lee

Martel Lee

In 2024, 16-year-old Martel Lee was convicted of sexually assaulting a classmate at school in Kenosha, Wisconsin. He was exonerated after a new witness said the complainant was never in the same classroom with Lee as the complainant claimed at trial. Lee pictured with​ his mother, Jenifer Jones (Photo: Kevin Mathewson/Kenosha County Eye)
Eron Shelman

Eron Shelman

Eron Shelman was convicted in 1992 of a murder in Detroit, Michigan. He was exonerated in 2025, after uncovering new evidence that impeached the credibility of the state's main witness. (Photo: Proving Innocence)​
Charlotte Pleytez

Charlotte Pleytez

In 2009, Charlotte Pleytez and Lombardo Palacios were convicted of first-degree murder in Los Angeles, California. They were exonerated in 2024 after a reinvestigation identified the real perpetrators and concluded that the three eyewitnesses had mistakenly identified Pleytez and Palacios. (​Pleytez, second from right, with family members. Photo: Los Angeles Times)
Lombardo Palacios

Lombardo Palacios

In 2009, Charlotte Pleytez and Lombardo Palacios were convicted of first-degree murder in Los Angeles, California. They were exonerated in 2024 after a reinvestigation identified the real perpetrators and concluded that the three eyewitnesses had mistakenly identified Pleytez and Palacios.(Photo: Sigry Ortiz, Palacios' sister, pictured with Palacios​)
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