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Skip Navigation LinksHome > The Law Quadrangle > Spring 2011 > Special Features > Munger: A Leading Light

Munger: A Leading Light

In 2007, Charles Munger made a $3 million gift to the Law School for lighting improvements in Hutchins Hall and the William W. Cook Legal Research Building, including the Reading Room.

Law School Dean Evan Caminker said at the time that Munger's gift will result in a dramatic improvement of the student experience.

"Our beautiful and grand Gothic buildings create one of the most inspiring settings for higher education anywhere in the country, but traditional Gothic architecture often undervalues the importance of interior lighting, and hence leaves its inner beauty underappreciated," said Caminker. "Thanks to Charlie, the public areas of the Law School will be more cheerful, bright, and accessible than at any time in the school's history. After these improvements, students, alumni, and visitors will be able to see all the wonderful architectural details in the Reading Room and other areas in a new light, so to speak. We are deeply appreciative of this generous gift."

The results? Dramatic, indeed. See the before and after pictures, above.

View more before-and-after photos of the Law School lighting projectin our image gallery.


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